Full featured JSON Parser, Data Model, and JSON Path integration

This project is maintained by xmljim

JEP API Guide » Getting Started » Factory Settings

Factory Settings

JEP is configured through a set of properties to support various parts of the API.

The FactorySettings class manages all settings for features like the default JSONParser implementation, serialization, Converters, JSONPath and so on. Settings are typically used by various factory classes in the API, However, other classes have access to these properties if needed. When JEP first loads, the FactorySettings class initializes with a default set of properties. However, you can change these default settings.

Settings can be applied either by using the property name, or more conveniently through the Setting enum.

    //This setting...
    FactorySettings.applySetting("org.ghotibeaun.json.merge.appendkey", "_merge");
    //is equivalent to this one...
    FactorySettings.applySetting(Setting.MERGE_APPEND_KEY, "_merge");

The FactorySettings class includes several methods for accessing each setting. By default, getSetting will return the most current value for a given property. However, you can always default to a specific setting using the static getDefaultSetting or getCustomSetting methods. getDefaultSetting is the syntactic equivalent to getSetting(Setting, true). Conversely getCustomSetting is the equivalent of getSetting(Setting, false).

FactorySettings.applySetting(Setting.MERGE_APPEND_KEY, "-merge");

String currentAppend = FactorySettings.getSetting(Setting.MERGE_APPEND_KEY);
//returns "-merge". Current will use custom value first, if available, then fall back to the default value if the custom value is not set

String defaultAppend = FactorySettings.getDefaultSetting(Setting.MERGE_APPEND_KEY);
//returns "_append"
//could also retrieve value using getSetting(Setting.MERGE_APPEND_KEY, true)

String customAppend = FactorySettings.getCustomSetting(Setting.MERGE_APPEND_KEY)
//return "-merge"
//could also retrieve value using getSetting(Setting.MERGE_APPEND_KEY, false)

Class Settings

Class settings are used to configure implementation class for JEP features like event parsing, JSONPath, Converters, and Serializers. To apply or return the class, you can use the following methods.

NOTE: There are no internal checks to validate that a class reference is appropriate for a given setting

NOTE: You can also use the applySetting(Setting, String) method, if the setting is known to be a class setting. Class settings are identified with _CLASS suffix on each Setting enum constant.


Let’s assume you are using JEP with a custom EventHandler implementation. You can define your event handler before parsing data:

//Set up my event handler:
FactorySettings.applySetting(Setting.EVENT_HANDLER_CLASS, MyEventHandler.class);

//alternately you can do the same with the fully qualified class name String:
FactorySettings.applySetting(Setting.EVENT_HANDLER_CLASS, "com.example.MyEventHandler");

//Now parse the data
JSONFactory factory = JSONFactory.newFactory();
JSONParser parser = factory.newParser(); //The parser is initialized with your event handler

JSONNode result = parser.parse(theInputStream);

Since setting are “sticky,” every time you invoke a parse, your event handler is used. If you want to return to the default setting, you can use the setUseDefaultSettings(true) method:

FactorySettings.setUseDefaultSettings(true); //use the default configuration

//Now if we run parse, the default event handler is used:
JSONFactory factory = JSONFactory.newFactory();
JSONParser parser = factory.newParser(); //The parser is initialized with the default handler

JSONNode result = parser.parse(theInputStream);

Settings can be applied or retrieved by using the setting name, or using a specific Setting enum constant:


Property Name Description Setting Default Value
org.ghotibeaun.json.convert.classconverter Specifies the ClassConverter implementation class CLASS_CONVERTER_CLASS internal class reference
org.ghotibeaun.json.convert.jsonconverter Specifies the JSONConverter implementation class JSON_CONVERTER_CLASS internal class reference
org.ghotibeaun.json.converter.option.ignorekeys Specifies keys to ignore during a conversion. Values should be comma separated CONVERTER_IGNORE_KEYS EMPTY STRING
org.ghotibeaun.json.converter.option.keycase Specifies the key case for mapping JSON properties to POJO fields/methods. Maps to a KeyNameCasing enum value CONVERTER_JSON_KEY_CASE CAMEL
org.ghotibeaun.json.converter.option.validation Specifies the validation option when scanning POJO classes. Maps to a ScannerValidationOption enum value CONVERTER_VALIDATION LAX
org.ghotibeaun.json.date.format Specifies the default date format for use by CSV to JSON handlers DATE_FORMAT yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
org.ghotibeaun.json.event.handler Specifies the JSONEventHandler implementation class EVENT_HANDLER_CLASS internal class reference
org.ghotibeaun.json.event.parser Specifies the JSONEventParser implementation class EVENT_PARSER_CLASS internal class reference
org.ghotibeaun.json.event.processor Specifies the JSONEventProcessor implementation class EVENT_PROCESSOR_CLASS internal class reference
org.ghotibeaun.json.event.provider Specifies the JSONEventProvider implementation class EVENT_PROVIDER_CLASS internal class reference
org.ghotibeaun.json.factory Specifies the underlying implementation class for the JSONFactory FACTORY_CLASS internal class reference
org.ghotibeaun.json.inputstream.charset Specifies the character set encoding to use for parsing JSON INPUTSTREAM_CHARSET UTF-8
org.ghotibeaun.json.jsonpath Specifies the JSONPath implementation class JSONPATH_IMPL_CLASS internal class reference
org.ghotibeaun.json.jsonpath.jsonprovider Specifies the com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProvider implementation class JSONPATH_PROVIDER_CLASS internal class refererence
org.ghotibeaun.json.jsonpath.mappingprovider Specifies the com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.mapper.MappingProvider implementation class JSONPATH_MAPPING_PROVIDER_CLASS internal class reference
org.ghotibeaun.json.merge.appendkey Specifies the text to append to a key with an APPEND JSONObject conflict strategy during a merge MERGE_APPEND_KEY _append
org.ghotibeaun.json.parser Specifies the JSONParser implementation class PARSER_CLASS internal class reference
org.ghotibeaun.json.serializer Specifies the JSONSerializer implementation class SERIALIZER_CLASS internal class reference
org.ghotibeaun.json.xmlserializer Specifies the XMLSerializer implementation class XML_SERIALIZER_CLASS internal class reference